50 Inspirational Quotes For AA Members: Sober Strength and Renewed Hope

Giving yourself grace helps you to understand that the strength within you can help you overcome anything. They’re familiar with their faults and are aware of what they don’t like about themselves. This doesn’t make it easy to change but gives them a blueprint for what they want to change. We do not receive any commission or fee that is dependent upon which treatment provider a caller chooses. According to Alcoholics Anonymous, the group did not create the Serenity Prayer. The history of the prayer goes back for centuries, long before AA existed, and has been credited to many theologians and saints.

aa sobriety sayings

He sent me, he, he sent me a picture of it,, on our alumni page. And he told me, he said you told me 365 days, and today is that day, and I haven’t even thought about looking back since. Recovering from addiction means healing from past hurts while keeping an eye towards future hopes and aspirations. This quote reminds us to focus on the present and not dwell on past mistakes or struggles, something that can be especially important in early sobriety.

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To overcome addiction, you need to decide it internally, casting aside your previous denials and excuses and abandoning your old patterns of thinking and ways of life. Beating addiction also requires you to have the strength to ask for help when you can’t do it alone. Addiction can feel like a black hole, particularly if you’ve tried to quit before and failed or relapsed. But you can escape and build a different life, no matter how many times you stumble.

aa sobriety sayings

Learn how this diabetes medication might help manage addictive behaviors and promote healthier choices. You know, and I get to help them find that happiness within that connection within that content within and all those positive things that they came to treatment to look for.

“I have found that the process of discovering who I really am begins with knowing who I really don’t want to be.”

Alcoholics Anonymous is an organization that is, in part, famous due to its cliches. Idioms like “progress, not perfection” and “willingness is key” are not only peppered throughout AA clubhouses and church multi-purpose rooms but are part of modern vernacular as well. However, sobriety sayings they are much, much more than just a cultural representation of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. Finding the best Tamarac Rehab Florida near you when seeking recovery and wellness support is paramount. Explore the potential effects of Ozempic on addiction and cravings.

The growth mindset is a belief that your basic qualities, including intelligence and talent, can be developed and perfected through effort. Therefore, the more you focus on what’s within your control, the larger your circle of control and influence! The concept conveys the fact that our level of influence is proportional to our activity in our circle of control. You wouldn’t be the first person in the program if you arrived Monday and expected to be well by Tuesday. The serenity prayer is used to the point of freaking abuse.

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